Tools & Services

The FHIR Lab sandbox is designed for learning, testing and validation purposes only. Do not use it for production or store real patient health information (PHI) or identifiable data. Use synthetic data exclusively for testing, validation, and learning.

FHIR Server

HAPI FHIR server with open access.

Software HAPI FHIR R4 Server

Terminology Server

CSIRO Ontoserver is used as shared FHIR terminology Server across the platform

Software CSIRO Ontoserver
FHIR Version 4.0.1
Supported Formats application/fhir+xml, xml, application/fhir+json, json
FHIR Endpoint


HL7 Validator for FHIR Resource Validation

HL7 Validator
Watch this space as we include more tools for FHIR Lab

CSIRO SSCP and UPM SILab are collaborating with digital health stakeholders and technology partners to grow FHIR Lab use cases including but not limited to the implementation of simulated point-of-care systems and shared health data repositories for advocacy, learning and testing of digital health solutions